Sue Welsh's Ariel

Ariel was born on April 26, 1998. She was born with a hernia so she wasn't destined to be a conformation dog, although she had good points otherwise. In spite of her early hernia repair, Ariel loved to run and jump. She took to Agility with enthusiasm. Her playfulness and loving spirit made her special.

Ariel achieved her MACH on October 30, 2004 and was the first Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in Washington to do so. Ariel earned MACH2 on February 26, 2006, MACH 3 in May 2007 and MACH 4 in September 2008.

In other venues, Ariel earned NADAC Novice titles in Regular, Jumpers and Gamblers. In USDAA, Ariel earned her AD title.

In 2004, Ariel was ranked #10 of the AKC Top 25 Agility Dog and by 2005 she had risen to number 7.

Name: Ariel
Registered Name: Raymar's April Love
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Owner: Sue Welsh
Titles Earned:

  • MACH 4 (Master Agility Champion 4 times over – AKC)

  • NJC (Novice Jumpers Certificate – NADAC)

  • NAC (Novice Agility Certificate – NADAC)

  • NGC (Novice Gamblers Certificate – NADAC)

  • AD (Agility Dog – USDAA)


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