Bev Wallace's Allie

Allie finished her MACH in September 2005 at the age of 11 1/2 years old, proving you are only as old as you think you are. She was the second Irish Setter to earn a MACH.

Allie retired from competition at the November 2005 Sno-King AKC Trial. Bev and Allie were given a surprise retirement ceremony and a gold watch.

Name: Allie
Registered Name: Harborlight Promises To Keep
Breed:  Irish Setter
Owner: Bev Wallace
Titles Earned:

  • Champion (AKC Conformation)

  • Champion (CKC Conformation)

  • MACH (Master Agility Champion – AKC)

  • CD (Companion Dog – AKC Obedience)

  • JH (Junior Hunter – AKC Hunt)

  • VC (Versatility Certificate – Irish Setter Club of America)

  • EAC (Elite Agility Certificate – NADAC)

  • EJC (Elite Jumpers Certificate – NADAC)

  • OGC (Open Gamblers Certificate – NADAC)


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