Calendar Page
Up Coming Activities & Practices
Fitness Seminar
Two half day fitness focused workshops with Dr. Leslie Eide. More info to come!
Outdoor Agility Practice
$20 per 1/2 hour time slot
There are three Drill Courses for set up to practice on. Use the courses or practice on the items you'd like.
Signup for the time you are interested in. Leave your $20 Payment in the mailbox under the canopies.
We also have a portapottie by the practice field.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Gary Webster
gawebster@earthlink.net Cell 425 530-6474

Furry 5K
Furry 5K June 11th Seattle
This is the 24th year of the event, and we are excited to be back in-person again this year - Sunday, June 11, 2023 @ Seward Park. We expect 1000+ attendees this year for the fun walk/run. At the past events, we have had dog agility groups demonstrating agility techniques for the event attendees, and the crowds have loved it! This year, we would like to invite to invite the Sno-King Agility Club to participate at the event to demonstrate fun sports that folks can do with their dogs!

Poochella in the Park
Asbery Field, 1705 7th Street
Sno-King Agility Club will do a demo at Poochella at 10am and then again after 1:00pm. They would like us to stay up throughout the day and whatever kind of audience participation you would like to engage in that space is great. We will need help transporting equipment for this event.
Between our demos they will having people sign up to do “Dog Tricks” and a “Parade of Costumes”. Those events are slated for 11:00am and Noon, thus the reason to have your demonstrations on either side of those times.
We will have a booth to do outreach during the event .

For members and students ONLY. 3 time slots 5:00-6:00. 6:10-7:10. 7:20-8:20
Please fill out the form below if you are interested in attending a practice. We will respond with availability.
Example Meeting
This is an example meeting. It will show up on the calendar in the Members only section.