Up-Coming Events
Club Demo:
Aquafest-Proud Pet Show
Sunday, July 28th 2024 in Lake Stevens
We are looking for club members who are interested in attending and putting on an Agility Demo and Kids Dog Show. Please let me know if you are interested in participating. Look for Sign up soon - Gary

Sno-King Agility Club Trial (See Trial Page)
Opening Date: September 20, 2023, 8:00 AM
Closing Date: November 3, 2023, 11:30 PM
See attached Premium Sno-King Nov. Trial and register with R2AgilityOnline: R2Agility

Fitness Seminar
Fitness Seminars for your canine athlete with Dr. Leslie Eide
“Improving the lives of our canine companions one exercise at a time. Unleash your dog’s inner athlete today!”
October 22, 2023 (Sunday)
French Creek Pet Resort
9504 171st Ave SE
Snohomish, WA 98290
About Dr. Leslie Eide
The Total Canine Link
Dr. Eide graduated from Colorado State University's Veterinary School in 2006. She completed a rotating internship in small animal medicine in Albuquerque, NM. She continued her education by becoming certified in canine rehabilitation through the Canine Rehab Institute with a focus in sports medicine. She continues to learn more about rehabilitation, sports medicine and pain management through daily practice and continuing education seminars. She is residency trained and her research interests include canine exercise physiology and sports performance.
Dr. Eide is well known in the agility community both as an accomplished handler and as a sports vet helping many teams in fitness and rehab.
AM Session
Get In Shape!
Learn the 10 basic canine fitness exercises and how to progress them. We will go over mechanics, form, and set up. You'll learn how to create your own exercises through Dr. Leslie's Building Blocks game. You and your dog will love to work out! All ages are welcome.
PM Session
Jump Into Shape!
What's the most used obstacle in agility? Jumps!
This workshop uses a combination of jump exercises, grids, and fitness exercises to make your dog the most efficient jumper possible.
Dogs must be old enough to have started their jump training to participate in a working spot.