Kathy Timmon's Denali
After 3 1/2 years of hard work (and lots of fun), I am very, very pleased to brag about my wonderful Sammy boy, MACH Denali MXS MJS MXF CA. We went into the July 2012 WSOTC trial needing only 3 points for our MACH – piece of cake, right? NOT! Since he has gotten into the fun game of teasing puppies, why not do it to MOM. On each Standard and Jumpers run on Friday and Saturday, there would be one little error (missed contact – on purpose; stand on the top of the A-frame then run off and hide behind Mom until she is dizzy and does not know which way to go; get tunnel sucked). But Sunday morning we both got it together and had a great run in Standard and finally achieving a MACH title I never imagined that we would ever get. Go Denali!!!
Denali earned his MACH2 at the November 2013 Sno-King trial and his MACH 3 in 2014. Denali earned his MACH4 in 2016. Denali was also named as the 2nd highest top agility Samoyed in 2013. Denali earned his PACH in July 2017. Yea!
Name: Denali
Registered Name: Denali White Spirit of Elkdale
Breed: Samoyed
Owner: Kathy Timmons
Titles Earned:
Championship (AKC Conformation)